Sunday, August 21, 2011


This afternoon I went with a friend to see a play at the Herberger Theater which is conveniently down the street from my apartment, another reason I absolutely love living downtown. The show was Hairspray, and it was put on by the Valley Youth Theatre, which is located right across the street from me. Unfortunately I am too old to join in on the fun, but I will enjoy going to watch the shows instead. This show was phenomenal in my opinion, considering most of the actors were all either freshman in college or younger. There was even an 11 year-old girl who was awesome to watch. It really made me wish I would have taken more of an interest in theater when I was younger, because I know I would love to be doing that stuff now.

I had never seen Hairspray before, not even the movie with Zac Efron in it, so I went into it not knowing what to expect at all. I loved that the story is about going after your dreams, and also about accepting everyone and not rushing to judge someone. I even got the chills during some of the songs, I mean these kids' voices and acting was amazing to watch. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing more shows, and my friend and I are planning on making it a monthly thing, so look out for more play reviews from yours truly!

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