Monday, December 5, 2011


Finals are killing me, I don't have enough time in the day to get everything done or study as much as I'd like. I shouldn't even be writing this right now, but I just wanted to do a quick update and let you all know why I haven't been writing very much! I want to re-vamp this whole blog before the end of the year and make it into something bigger and better for 2012. Send me ideas of things you want me to write about and/or make this blog into.

For now, you should check out my very fabulous cousin Holly's blog! She's super talented and has a lot of great posts already up!

1 comment:

  1. Stacy, always write about what's in your heart and always tell the truth! I for one get a kick out of reading what's on your mind but, of course, I have a vested interest! Love you so much and I am awesomely proud of you.


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