Thursday, December 15, 2011

Done & done.

I can officially say my first semester at Arizona State University is completed. It was a great first semester filled with lots of adjusting, lots of learning (in and out of the classroom), and lots of exciting things. I met some great people, and I can say that Arizona is starting to feel like home. It wasn't the easiest semester, since I had to adjust and see what going to a big University was all about, but it turned out even better than I thought it was going to. I'm happy with the fact that I dove right in and got involved in my school so that I can make the most out of my time there. When I graduate I want to be able to have no regrets and know that I did everything possible to help make myself a more well-rounded person and journalist.

I joined the radio station at our school and even got on a weekly talk show that they normally don't allow first-time students to participate in. I even have my first television internship next semester with CBS 5 in Phoenix, and I'm not stopping there. I am SO excited to see what the rest of my time at ASU brings. I'm thankful that I have this opportunity and I promise you I will not let it go to waste. Check back regularly for more exciting news about my journey in Phoenix and at Arizona State's Walter Cronkite School!

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